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Therapy for Anxiety

for people from all walks of life

What Does Anxiety Look Like?

Anxiety is a normal part of daily life. You might feel nervous when there is a deadline at work or school coming up, when making important decisions in life or when taking a test.


Anxiety disorder is a different beast altogether, though. Distress brought about by anxiety disorders can sometimes become so severe as to prevent you from functioning well in day-to-day situations.


What types of Anxiety Disorders are there?

Anxiety disorder is an umbrella term covering many conditions, some of which are:


  • Panic Disorder - you feel excessive fear that can strike at any moment. Panic attacks can be accompanied by sweating, chest pains, uncontrollable heavy breathing and heart palpitations.

  • Social Anxiety Disorder - this is when you feel extreme worry and self-consciousness in everyday situations. You tend to overthink about what other people think of you or about potentially embarrassing yourself through your words and actions.

  • Phobias -  intense fear of certain objects or situations, such as heights or flying. While it's normal to have fears about certain things, phobias occur when the fear goes beyond what's reasonable and may cause you to avoid certain situations.

  • Generalized Anxiety Disorder - this is when you feel excessive and unrealistic worry, fear or stress with little or no reason behind them.



The most common symptoms of anxiety disorder are:


  • Nervousness or persistent worry

  • Difficulty sleeping

  • Racing heart

  • Inability to stay calm and still

  • Panic attacks

  • Ruminating on worries or fears

  • Trembling or shakiness

  • Avoiding certain settings or activities

  • Shortness of breath

  • Heart palpitations

  • Nausea

  • Dizziness


As mentioned above, everyone suffers from anxiety every now and then. However, if you're finding that your anxiety is preventing you from enjoying the life that you deserve, know that you are not alone. Halcyon Mental Health has professionals on hand who are able to help you overcome your worries and live a fuller life.


What Causes Anxiety?

Like many other mental health conditions, there is not a single source to which anxiety can be traced.


It often stems from a number of factors such as traumatic experiences, external factors, and can sometimes even be traced to genetics. Sometimes stress buildup through day-to-day life, illness or another mental health condition can also trigger anxiety. Lastly, there are also certain personality types that are more prone to have anxiety.


The key to overcoming anxiety is to recognize it early, staying active by engaging in activities you enjoy, avoiding drugs and alcohol whenever possible, and most importantly, seeking help from those close to you or from a professional.


What Does Treatment for Anxiety Look Like?

There are a number of treatments available for anxiety ranging from psychotherapy up to using medication to control and manage symptoms.


At Halcyon, our treatment methods involve psychotherapy. Psychotherapy is a form of treatment where you are encouraged to openly speak about your thoughts and feelings, and explore together with your therapist the meanings behind what's on your mind as well as any patterns that may be contributing to your condition.


Undergoing therapy for anxiety often results in:


  • Controlling worrying thoughts

  • Regulating your emotions

  • Setting boundaries for stressors

  • Mindfulness

  • Feeling more secure and in control of your life

  • Better sleep

Are you struggling with Anxiety?

We can help.

Don't let yourself or your loved ones suffer from anxiety alone. We teach our patients various methods to manage anxiety and worry.


Our therapists are available for in-person sessions in most areas of Metro Manila and through online sessions between 9:00 AM and 8:00 PM (PST). Rates start at Php 2,500.00 per hour.

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