Therapy for Depression for people from all walks of life
What Does Depression Look Like?
Do you feel lonely, tired, moody, lost or hopeless? Many people go through periods of feeling down, but depression happens when this feeling lasts for many weeks or months, rather than just a few days. Depression often comes as a result of overwhelming conditions from a major life change, like a death in the family or being laid off from your job, but can also develop through the accumulation of normal day-to-day stress brought about by managing one's relationships, career, finances, social life and health. Many people in the Philippines, especially from urban areas like Metro Manila, Cebu and Davao, suffer from regular bouts of depression.
Depression is incredibly common, and the symptoms tend to be easy to identify. Here are some of the most prevalent warning signs of depression in adulthood:
Persistent sadness or irritability
Change in sleep or appetite
Thoughts about self-harm
Loss of energy
Loss of interest
Social Isolation
While some people may be dismissive of depression and think of it as something "for the weak of heart and mind", they are wrong. Depression is a real illness with real symptoms and is not something you can "snap out of" through the power of positive thinking or by prayer. Dealing with depression requires professional help, especially since it is often accompanied by other mental health conditions like anxiety.
The good news is that with the right treatment and support, a full recovery is possible for most people suffering from this condition.
If you have experienced any of these feelings, you are not alone.
The team at Halcyon Mental Health understands how disabling depression can be, and we want to help you overcome this condition. We provide evidence-based treatment options for individuals and their families to accurately diagnose depression, treat symptoms, and help make a full recovery.
What Causes Depression?
There is often no single cause of depression. It can occur for a number of reasons and has many different triggers.
For some people, it can be brought about by a major life event such as the death of a loved one, a failed relationship, losing one's job or financial worries.
Many clinicians talk about a "depression spiral" or a series of events that lead to depression. For example, losing your job may get you down so you end up not socializing as much with friends and family, which in turn ends up making you feel isolated and lonely, which then leads to an increase in alcohol intake. All of these can make you feel worse and may possibly trigger depression.
There is also evidence to suggest that depression is more likely to occur in older people and people or families of lower socioeconomic backgrounds.
What Does Treatment for Depression Look Like?
There are a number of treatments available for depression ranging from waiting it out for very mild depression all the way to treatments involving invasive surgery for the most severe cases.
At Halcyon, our treatment methods involve psychotherapy. Psychotherapy is a form of treatment where you are encouraged to openly speak about your thoughts and feelings, and explore together with your therapist the meanings behind what's on your mind as well as any patterns that may be contributing to your condition.
If you are having thoughts of self-harm or suicide, we will put together a safety plan to keep you safe and healthy during the course of treatment.
Undergoing therapy for depression often results in:
Meaningful goals being set
(Re)identifying and prioritizing your values
Higher self-awareness
Better self-care
Reduction in negative thoughts
Better sleep
Identifying and stopping negative patterns of behavior
Having more energy and purpose

Are you struggling with Depression?
We can help.
We offer psychotherapy for depression. We teach our patients various methods to overcome depression including identifying and managing situations that trigger depression, catching and stopping negative thoughts as they happen, and skills for taking action to enjoy life.
Our therapists are available for in-person sessions in most areas of Metro Manila and through online sessions between 9:00 AM and 8:00 PM (PST). Rates start at Php 2,500.00 per hour.